FGC CARES ACT Quarterly Report
HEERF Quarterly Report
Students who are symptomatic or who have tested positive should not come to campus and should notify Keep The Pack Safe at keepthepacksafe@fgc.edu
Keeping Our Pack Safe
As we continue to monitor the surge in COVID 19 cases, while also bringing normalcy back to our campus and your student life, your health and safety are the priority.
· While we are not mandating wearing masks, it will be an important factor in contact tracing, the need for quarantine and potential disruption in accessing on-campus classes and services. We strongly encourage everyone on campus to follow the Wolfpack’s Three W’s: Wash your hands, Watch your distance and Wear your mask.
· Students in certain health-related academic programs will be required to vaccinate. If you are enrolled in one of these programs, your program coordinator/advisor will notify you of this requirement.
· Students should report COVID exposure to keepthepacksafe@fgc.edu. Individuals who have been in repeated/sustained contact with a COVID-positive person and are vaccinated will not have to be quarantined. Those who wear masks and have not been vaccinated will not have to quarantine (subject to CDC guidelines/changes). However, students/staff/faculty who have not been vaccinated nor have worn a mask will go through a contact tracing procedure and, if found as a direct contact, will need to quarantine for 14 days.
· The college is in frequent communication with the Columbia County Department of Health and monitors updated information from the CDC. For the most up to date safety guidelines at FGC, please visit www.www.fgc.edu/keepthepacksafe and monitor your wolves email.
FGC CARES ACT 45 Day Report
FGC CARES ACT Student Awards Report
Florida Gateway College releases Cares Act 45 Day Report:FGC CARES ACT 45 Day Report (DOCX)
Masks are required in all buildings in public spaces etc at FGC effective immediately. In addition, masks should be worn outside when there are individuals walking near or together, however they are not required if social distancing can be accomplished. We appreciate all of you and your understanding during thus unprecedented time. We’ll continue to update the community as we monitor this situation.
Florida Gateway College releases Cares Act 45 Day Report:FGC CARES ACT 45 Day Report
Florida Gateway College releases Cares Act 30 Day Report:FGC CARES ACT 30 Day Report
Florida Gateway College signed and returned the Department Certification and Agreement in April and received $1.49M in Cares Act funding on April 25, 2020. A minimum of 50% of this funding will be distributed directly to students in several phases over the term of the award year. In order to be eligible to receive any funding, students are required to meet the following federal criteria:
Florida Gateway College has awarded $70,400 to students who were in technology programs in Spring of 2020 and had their semesters extended by one month. A total of 221 students received a grant in the amount of $320.00 to help cover COVID related expenses.
Florida Gateway College has announced a 2nd round of Care Acts Funding for their students for the Summer 2020 semester. There will be $150,000 dollars of emergency funding available to qualified students. You can access and fill out the emergency grant application here.
Dear Students,
We hope you are well and safe, and more ready than ever to begin summer classes at FGC. Please be aware of the following dates as you prepare for summer classes and we prepare to reopen campus to students and the public:
While summer classes are currently all online (with exception of some career and technical programs), this transitional opening plan will allow us to potentially offer some in person classes beginning June 1st. We look forward to having a traditional fall semester of in-person and online courses, as well as student events.
We will keep you updated with any changes to this transitional opening, as well as new announcements. Thank you for attending FGC!
We appreciate your patience as we continue to monitor and provide updates regarding the COVID 19 situation. On this page, and the menu to the left (desktop users) and below, we will continue to keep everyone updated in this ever evolving situation.
If you have additional questions beyond our FAQ’s : Coronavirus (COVID-19) section, you can email : fgccovid19updates@fgc.edu
Students and Community,
If you watch the news and are following the COVID 19 statistics it indicates that this week is going to be a tough week for our state and nation. For all stakeholders in higher education it also continues to be time of uncertainty. The Florida Gateway College family is struggling but overall, we are doing ok. One of the greatest challenges is to balance the current situation, with tomorrow challenges and then the long- term challenges we will face both personally and as a college community. This includes financial, emotional, attitudinal, and disruptive attitudes and challenges.
As a way of bringing you some stability in your life, a ray of hope and helping you continue your education I am announcing a student tuition incentive program for current FGC students (those that are enrolled for the Spring 2020 semester) that take online courses for this summer only.
The incentive is — Summer Tuition Waiver for Current Students.
There will be some other significant changes in the way FGC is going to implement our Summer Schedule this year. They are as follows:
Summer Courses and Schedule will be announced to the public this Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
Currently, we are only scheduling online classes for the summer. This includes all summer semesters. We are still optimistic that we will have some type of summer schedule for face to face instruction, especially in the clock hour, technical and health professions. That schedule will most likely be designed to be offered at the earliest for late May or early June.
Registration for summer online courses will begin on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 6:00 am. For more information on this offer and the Summer 2020 term, call 386-752-1822 or visit www.www.fgc.edu/summeratfgc
Stay Safe and Healthy,
President Barrett
FGC’s campus offices will not be open to students or the public from today until further notice. However, all student service offices will be open for students via email, phone and by mail. Students will be allowed to use the hot spot (internet connectivity) behind building 15, and at both FGC’s Dixie and Gilchrist centers during typical FGC hours (8:00-4:30), but they must stay in their vehicles. Please check the FGC website at www.www.fgc.edu for current information including a FAQ section.
Once again, the physical campus buildings and offices are closed to the public. Phone lines are open, and questions can be directed to 386-752-1822.
Recap of Previous AnnouncementsWe hope this email finds you safe and well during this challenging time. To recap previous announcements, FGC will move to online learning for the rest of the Spring Semester, which will resume on Monday, March 30, 2020. There will be no face-to-face classes or campus events for the remainder of the semester, which includes postponement of Spring Commencement. In addition, campus offices will not open to serve students in person, but will continue to serve students via phone, email and through virtual meetings. For those students in clock hour programs or technology, you will be contacted by your Department Coordinators and Faculty in those programs with more information on how your classes will be handled.
Summer RegistrationSummer registration that was set to begin on March 30th will be postponed until we learn more information and the summer schedule can be updated with necessary changes. We are reevaluating our summer schedule in light of the COVID19 situation and the possibility that online only learning will continue into the beginning of summer semester. We will learn more in the coming weeks and make decisions on the schedule of classes that we will be able to offer by April 7th, but it will take time to update the schedule accordingly. Thank you for your patience as we make every effort to ensure you have a schedule that you can rely on. We will notify you of the new registration begin date at your wolves email, through Canvas and on the college website.
Internet Service for StudentsFGC is working to create a drive-in hotspot on campus where students can work up to two and a half hours per day in the protection of their vehicle. In addition, we are working to set up hotspots in the parking lot areas of FGC’s Dixie and Gilchrist Service Centers. We will notify you when these areas are available to students and provide more details on utilizing this service in a safe and efficient manner. In addition, internet providers are offering special deals and enhanced connectivity during this time, including free service for up to 60 days. Deals and offers vary by area, so we encourage you to reach out to providers in your area to learn more.
Student Support for Classes transitioning to online formatWe want to reassure our students who have concerns about transitioning to the online format. We have been working with our faculty to put their courses online, and most professors will be incorporating videos and face-to-face video conferencing to help students complete their coursework. In addition, you can always reach out to your instructors via email. Our Student Success Center will be providing face-to-face tutoring with our current tutors via zoom. We are adding a Canvas Tutoring course to every students’ Canvas dashboard with instructions to access zoom and our tutors’ schedules for the subjects they tutor. You also have access to Tutor.com 24/7 for your course support. Student Success staff will return to campus March 30th and will be available via phone and email to guide you through any concerns you have. Please feel free to reach out to the following staff to discuss your concerns:
Sandi Tomlinson, Student Success Director, 386-754-4413, sandi.tomlinson@fgc.edu
Rob Dawson, Lab Manager, 386-754-4382, robert.dawsonjr@fgc.edu
Please continue to check the FGC website and your wolves email account for the latest developments and information. We have dedicated a web page to COVID-19 updates and frequently asked questions that we encourage you to review at https://www.fgc.edu/coronavirus-covid-19-fgc-update/. Remember, FGC is with you every step.
Thank you,
We appreciate your patience as we continue to monitor and provide updates regarding the COVID 19 situation, as we have had numerous discussions and conference calls about this significant challenge. Per Governor DeSantis this evening, all colleges in the state of Florida will move immediately to online learning for the rest of the Spring Semester. FGC will resume its Spring Semester on Monday, March 30, 2020 with classes online. There will be no face-to-face classes at this time. For those students in clock hour programs or technologies, you will be contacted by your Department Coordinators and Faculty in those programs with more information on how your classes will be handled.
All campus events are canceled for the remainder of the Spring semester. In addition, unfortunately we will be postponing Spring graduation. The new commencement date has not been determined, but will be considered as we monitor the situation. If you have ordered a cap and gown, we will be working on refunding your money in the coming weeks.
Many of you have expressed questions regarding scheduled on-site testing. At this time, on-site testing is not possible, but we are working on a solution that will allow for future proctored testing.
Please continue to check the FGC website and your wolves email account for the latest developments and information. We will update the FGC website with additional information later this week. We know the importance of your education and how challenging this time is for everyone, and we are with you every step.
Florida Gateway College is taking every precaution in regards to Novel Coronavirus COVID-19, therefore we will be extending spring break for one week, through Sunday, March 29th. Classes will resume on Monday, March 30th. Nursing students should check with their nursing faculty regarding academic engagement during this period of time.
In order to allow time for completion of your spring courses, we will be adjusting the end of Spring term date from April 27th to May 4th. We will continue to monitor the situation and its impact to our students, as your health and safety is our greatest concern.
We will provide an update midweek next week (around March 18th) with any changes or updates. We also encourage you to check our website for any updates or additional information that is specifically FGC related.
We continue to monitor the novel coronavirus (COViD-19) situation and its impact to our students. Florida Gateway College (FGC) will be on Spring Break starting on Friday, March 13, 2020 and plans on re-opening on Monday, March 23, 2020. All classes and offices will be closed during spring break and we anticipate opening as scheduled on March 23, 2020.
We continue to encourage you to utilize the following websites for health related information:
We also encourage you to check our website for any updates or additional information that is specifically FGC related. All current students and staff will also receive updates via their FGC email accounts and through text messaging if necessary.