The Foundation for Florida Gateway College is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, charitable organization that exists solely to provide financial support for Florida Gateway College and the students it serves. Funds are raised to provide student scholarships, purchase equipment, and teaching resources, and to grant other, much-needed support.
The Foundation is dedicated to providing financial support to FGC and its students by providing scholarships, as well as program enhancements. This is accomplished through the generous donations from individuals who support our mission and vision. Opportunities to financially support FGC include scholarships, program enhancements, and facility naming. Your support and our commitment serve to make a difference in the lives or our students and our community. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
There are a multitude of ways to give to the FGC Foundation that has a tremendous effect on our school, students, and community.
Individuals may invest in a student’s future by including the Foundation for Florida Gateway College in their will or making a charitable gift through other means that provide a future benefit to FGC through the Foundation for Florida Gateway College. Deferred gifts may be designated for scholarships or program enhancement and targeted to a particular program or county. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
The most common planned gift is a bequest made through your will. You may name the Foundation for Florida Gateway College, Inc. as either a primary or contingent beneficiary. Please contact the Foundation office for specific wording in the will or trust document.
Establishing a charitable remainder trust provides a variable or fixed income for one or more lives, a tax deduction, and the remainder at the death of the donor goes to the Foundation for Florida Gateway College to be used as specified.
The income from this trust benefits Florida Gateway College for a specified term and the remainder reverts to the donor or another beneficiary upon completion of the specified term. The donor receives a charitable deduction and may pass the remainder on to future family generations without estate or generation-skipping taxes.
A gift annuity is a contract between the donor and the Foundation for Florida Gateway College. The Foundation for Florida Gateway College will pay you (and a successor beneficiary if you desire) a fixed income for life. At the end of the life (or lives) the Foundation for Florida Gateway College receives the remainder of the donation for use as agreed upon. The donor also receives a tax deduction at the time of establishment and on a portion of the income. Interest rates are attractive and based upon the age of the donor.
Life insurance is an excellent way to make a major gift at a portion of the cost of the total benefit. Existing policies may be changed to make the Foundation for Florida Gateway College the owner and beneficiary. The donor will receive a charitable deduction for the cash surrender value, if any, and any future premiums would be tax-deductible. New policies may also be purchased naming the Foundation for Florida Gateway College as owner and beneficiary. The Foundation for Florida Gateway College will bill the donor for tax-deductible premiums. Life insurance may also be used to replace the value of an asset you wish to gift to the College. The tax savings produced by the charitable gift may be used to purchase a policy to benefit your heirs. The donor is able to benefit the College and still provide for heirs.
A primary residence or vacation home may be gifted and the donor may retain a life estate. The donor(s) receives a charitable deduction in the year the property is deeded to the Foundation for Florida Gateway College, retains the right to live in the home, and benefits the College at a future date. If you move after making the gift, you will receive additional tax benefits for the remainder interest in the property.
Certain retirement assets may be used to fund a planned gift, relieving the donor of taxes and penalties for any early withdrawals.
Make a lasting impact on the life of a student, by contributing to scholarships and programs which promote the success of FGC students, and our community. Donations, made payable to The Foundation for Florida Gateway College can be made:
By Mail149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025 Contact the Foundation staff at 386-754-4201
Or Give Online with the link below: