For registration dates, fee payment deadlines, withdrawal deadlines, and all other deadlines and important dates for each full semester, refer to the academic calendar below. For details on registration windows, withdrawal deadlines and more on shorter parts of term within each semester, refer to the Fall to Fall Session Dates below.
Web registration, web drop, and web payment are open until midnight on the last date indicated unless another time is shown.
College offices open at 8:00 am and close at 4:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday, during fall and spring semesters. Offices open at 9:00 am on Friday and close at 4:30 pm during the fall and spring semesters. Summer hours are 7:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Thursday. Unless a different time is shown or the college closes early, all other deadlines, except class dates, are 4:30 p.m. on the last date indicated.