Main Library Contact InformationPhone: 386-754-4401Email:
Christine Boatright – Associate Dean, Libraries & Institutional EffectivenessPhone: 386-754-4337Email: christine.boatright
Kay Hogan – Coordinator, Library ServicesPhone: 386-754-4391Email:
Kristin Corbin – Coordinator, Library ResourcesPhone: 386-754-4339Email:
Lynnda White – Circulation & ReservesPhone: 386-754-4400Email:
Penny Faris – Interlibrary Loan, Administrative AssistantPhone: 386-754-4338Email:
Welcome to the Wilson S. Rivers Library and Media Center. The mission of the library is to support the educational and enrichment goals of Florida Gateway College through instruction and access to information for FGC students and community members.
FGC’s largest building is home to more than 30,000 books, 70 computers, and plenty of room to spread out and study. Please enjoy our facility. We have a reputation in the library for being friendly and helpful. We want you to feel comfortable here. We welcome your suggestions for how we can make the library more accessible and pleasant. If you have any concerns with the facility or with our services, my office is always open.
Thanks,Christine BoatrightAssociate Dean, Libraries & Institutional Effectivenesschristine.boatright@fgc.edu386-754-4337
The original library was in a wooden structure leftover from the days when the campus served as a naval air station. That building was destroyed by fire in the early sixties. Many of the books were damaged from water and smoke, and were saved, we are told, by the first librarian to the college, Ella Francis, who remained in the burning building tossing books out of a window to staff and student assistants. Some of those books are still in the collection today. Ella Francis continued to lead the library through the construction of the G.T. Melton Learning Resources Center, completed in 1967. The building was named for G.T. “Doc” Melton, a prominent North Florida legislator who was instrumental in the founding of what was then Lake City Junior College and Forest Ranger School, and who served on the Board of Trustees for many years as both member and chairman.
Ms. Francis retired in the 1980s and her reference librarian, Noah Lindsay, became the second college Library Director. When Noah left in 1988 to travel and work as a librarian overseas, Jim Morris became the third college Library Director. In 2009, construction began on the new Wilson S. Rivers Library & Media Center, located on the old baseball field. Wilson S. Rivers was a Board member of the college for many years and donated his time and resources to LCCC. The Wilson S. Rivers Library & Media Center opened Spring 2012 to become the largest building on campus. Sadly, Jim Morris passed away in July of 2012. His reference librarian, Christine Boatright, became the fourth FGC Library Director in July of 2013. There are photographs of the Library over the years in the FGC Library Archives, and we invite the public to come see what we have to offer. The FGC Library has evolved dramatically since the 1960s, but we are still here to serve our students and community.